Flooring options for office space 108724-Best flooring for office space
Hard flooring surfaces like natural wood, porcelain and ceramic can wreak havoc within a work setting due to the massive amount of noise pollution they create While carpet is an ideal flooring solution for noise reduction, vinyl flooring is a versatile alternative thanks to its ease of maintenance and variety of design options · Cement flooring If you have a loft type office space and home then cement may be what you have and it's certainly durable As in other areas of your cementfloored home, you can always put an area rug down, in front of your desk or another area of the office One thing about concrete is — if you get a crack, it can be repaired in minutes Solid wood floors This is myPolished Concrete Flooring for Offices and Office Building Lobbies Polsihed concrete floors for offices is no longer just a trend From New York City skyscrapers to modern spaces in Los Angeles, designer concrete floors like you see here are installing Duraamen products for many reasons Custom design...